The movie that disappeared!
6 April 2020
My wife and I saw this funny, funny film in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1971 on a Thursday night in a theater which changed films on Fridays. The theater, by the way was almost completely empty. We knew absolutely nothing about the plot of the movie before hand and were totally shocked by some of the unexpected and bizarre plot twists. That in my opinion was what made the film so exceptional and memorable. I am not a movie buff who can discuss the finer points of film production. I am just a regular guy who enjoys good entertainment. And this film, especially if you know nothing about what is coming next is fantastic.

In any event, we enjoyed this film so much that the next day, I told all my buddies at work how great it was without telling them anything about the plot. Unfortunately, the film disappeared from the theater the next day and I have never seen it again.

In recent years I have looked for it to no avail hoping to see it in some digital form.

If you have the opportunity to see this film without having read the play or without having advanced knowledge of the plot, you are in for a treat.
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