Star Trek: Voyager: Cold Fire (1995)
Season 2, Episode 10
Kes gets intimate with flowers.
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There was a ton of sexual overtones during the back and forth dialogue between Kes and Tanis and I felt a bit weird for a minute or two.

This episode establishes that there is far more to Kes then meets the eyes. We are reaching Q levels of space magic powers but I bought into the arc of this episode thanks to the strong acting by Jennifer Lien.

It's a bit confusing that suspira has such a confrontational view of the Voyager crew and for a while I thought the writers were intending to write the caretaker character as being a child who did not possess the maturation to truly understand the situation. I was wrong. She was the wife of the original caretaker and is an explorer from another galaxy ... ... ... who is controlled by emotions of revenge just like your regular carbon based lifeform is. Odd.

An act of mercy on Janeway's part ends up saving the Voyager crew but I was ultimately left feeling unsatisfied with this conclusion. She believes Janeway's story now because she took down the force field? What's going on here? Why are the Ocampa's on this space station such jerks?

Neelix gains some points with me in this episode with his supportive moments.

Tuvok doesn't hold grudges against Kes despite having his blood boiled and nearly dying. It is a very Vulcan attitude of pure logic. "Well, i'll help you master your powers so you won't try and kill me..."

I might sound down on the episode but I was actually entertained and engaged throughout the entire runtime.
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