Review of Journey

Journey (2012 Video Game)
An okay game with not a whole lot going on.
4 April 2020
I have heard this game mentioned several times as one of the best indie games one can find and play, so I decided to give it a try as I had gotten it free one month as part of my subscription to PS Plus. I knew going in it would be short, so I unsurprisingly played through this game in one sitting. I have to say it was okay, but nothing all that spectacular. Kind of reminds me of the PS2 game Ico, but with less going on within it. Granted, I am all for a game where you do not have to worry about fighting all the time, but this one, I don't know...just not a lot going on.

The story is pretty much up to interpretation, but from what I gather some sort of person or maybe an alien sees something crash in the distance. They decide to go towards it while learning the strange fate of the world that now seems to be endless desert.

The game play mechanics simply require you at times to walk to structures and sometimes you use powers to help get passed obstacles. Later in the game there are this things that sort of attack you, but they cannot really kill you. One interesting thing I experienced while playing is I ran into other figures during my travels and apparently they were other players. I was not aware of this until the end that this other figures were actual players and not random A.I. characters.

So the game is okay, I am glad I did not spend money on it. The most I may have spent for this one is like 1.99 as it is very short in length as it is easily one within a couple of hours. Though, sometimes it is nice to be able to win a game within a relatively short time frame so then you can move on to another game! Worth a play through or two as there are some secrets within that I missed that I may go back and see if I can find.
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