2 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They make it look as if the jailed guys are inocent, because the tester messed up. It's not necessarly like that. If a guy is busted selling "drugs" to a cop, he is not inocent because the system failed to prove it was really a forbiden substance. And they do this very smoothly, if one only follows what they want, one will lose track of what is really important: take drug dealers off the streets. The rest is a story about people that use the drugs they are supposed to test, or didn't test at all. I mean, don't get me wrong: it's a huge fail by the system and it should be corrected. But don't try to sell us that drug dealers are inocent. I would say that none of the people whose drugs werent tested were inocent. And that's what really horrid about this documentary: it puts the viewer in an awful position of having to take sides with drug dealers. Why didn't they showed a case of one guy that never had a drug related problem with the law and was convicted because of those testers? I tell you why: it doesn't exist.
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