Viewers will learn many amazing scientific facts . . .
31 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . from CAPTAIN NEMO AND THE UNDERWATER CITY. This flick emanates from the infamous "House of the Groaning Fat Cat," a particular favorite of U.S. Miss Education Secretary Betsy "Amway Calling." In scene after scene of UNDERWATER CITY, products of American public schooling will be flabbergasted to learn that it is easy as pumpkin pie for a scrawny guy to tote one or two tons of gold as long as he's 12 miles below sea level in the watery deeps (aka, "ten thousand fathoms"), with an artificial pressure of 30,000 pounds (aka, 15 tons) per square inch. Mineralogists will be bowled over to know that a quart of seawater will yield a pound of gold if you simply separate out its oxygen. Though a smattering of energy MIGHT be required to accomplish all of this magical alchemy, anyone programmed in one of Betsy's for-profit "learning shacks" will enjoy a complete lack of the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thought to pose any barrier to a complete appreciation of THE UNDERWATER CITY. After all, when a young mind is molded for 13 years under the premise that THE FLINTSTONES--with people riding around on dinosaurs--is SCIENCE FACT rather than cartoon fiction, why NOT picture coral reefs, tropical fish and verdant sea weed as the brightly lit ocean floor (the sea's actual surface is clearly visible in several shots here!) for an ocean trench about twice as deep as any known to man!
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