Prairie Dog (2015)
Sash! feat. Boy George - Run
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So I thought this was going to be a low-budget, indie b-horror movie/creature feature... turned out to be a damned fitness movie with them dam kids running all over the damned place... I got tired just watching them run. The movie starts off with them running, then some adults are running, then there's some talking, blah blah blah, more running... and that's just the first 10 minutes. Then there's some foreshadowing with growls and snarls and a teenage couple breaking one of the cardinal rules of horror... no sex... well, they don't actually have sex, but they get nom nom'd, just saying. Then there's some driving and talking, some more talking, and then more running.... more... running. Felt like I was watching a damned decathlon by the end of this movie... they run together, they run separately, they get together in a big big group and run some more. If you're looking for a horror movie, I recommend you buy American, or even Asian... if you looking to feel exhausted from exercise WITHOUT actually do anything, well then, run Forrest, run!
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