Review of Marathon

The Flash: Marathon (2020)
Season 6, Episode 10
"The Flash" is not "The Flash" anymore
28 March 2020
Why was this series named "The Flash"? Because it was about Barry Allen, the fastest man alive. I considered myself the hugest fan, and in my opinion, the first 3 seasons were amazing. After watching season 4 the second time, I told myself: "it's not that bad". But there was a huge drop after season 4.

1) The show is not about Barry anymore, and we can't see the team that we used to in season 1, 2 or 3. Do you remember the Flash episode in season 4 called "Enter Flashtime"? It is currently rated 9.0. This episode (mainly) focuses on Barry and his struggles to stop the bomb from destroying the city, but we can see Jesse and Jay throughout the episode, supporting Barry, while helping him, and giving him some kind of "confidence" and "support" to prevent the explosion. Barry in focus? Check. His friends (team) helping him? Check. His friends emotionally supporting him? Check. Drama? Check. Action? Check. Amazing cinematography and music? Check.

2. Drama. It is supposed to be a drama/action series, but in season 5, I felt that this part was completely missing. I couldn't enjoy watching the characters, because I felt that, for me, there is no "emotional attachment" to them.

3. Character development: Y'all think that just because this series has 6 seasons, the main character can't be developed? Wrong! You might ask me: "Why are you criticising something if you have no idea how they could make it better?" It's not my job to come up with a story to explore each characters, mainly the most important one, Barry.

And now, what do we see? A cringe feminist trio being the most important characters of the series. Many many people have already said that Barry is not the main character, and I am here to submit it. Iris is not a crime fighter, and Barry is not a "sidekick". It should be the reverse.

If you want to save the series, the cringe *ss feminist group should disappear, the focus should be on Barry, more drama and emotions, more character development (I really liked H.R and Henry., but I hate Nash Wells), better action.

The reason I gave 3 stars is because of the cinematography, costumes and the music. That's all the reason.

I would be very happy if one of the creators read this review to save this show, as soon as possible, while they can.
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