Review of Terrified

Terrified (2017)
27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what all the hype is about. While there are certainly some substantial visual scares, the plot is largely non-existent. The pace is agonizingly slow. I fell asleep 3 times while streaming, and had to keep going back. Also - most of the characters don't seem to react in any way remotely "natural" when confronted with supernatural goings on: Dead kid at the breakfast table? No worries, we'll just go outside and calmly chat about it - leaving the unconscious mother lying on the couch in the next room. Weirdly distorted and bloody things chasing you around? Just drive a block or two away, and have a smoke. Spooky beings under your bed and/or walking around your bedroom? Just climb back and pull the covers over your head! Nevermind the *gun* you have in the next room - don't get that out until it's too late! I could go on. One of the biggest complaints regarding any horror film dealing with supernatural events is that characters aren't reacting logically. Sometimes that can be excused by the events of the movie, but not so in this film. Anyway - this is hardly the cinematic event some reviews are making it out to be. I'd pass on it, tbh. You're not going to miss anything.
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