Far Cry 4 (2014 Video Game)
Ashes to ashes...
27 March 2020
'Far Cry 4 (2014)' uses pretty much the same gameplay systems as its immediate predecessor, for the most part simply swapping out its story and its location. Those two factors are fairly major in setting it apart, though. This time, the thing loses all pretences of being a satirical look at the complicity in violence of its player-base, instead focusing on delivering a relatively nuanced story with more straightforward narrative theming. It also removes the 'white saviour' aspect of prior titles by having its protagonist return to the place of his birth at the start of the game. Of course, he gets caught up in a civil war, participating in bringing down a local regime simply to find some personal closure. The thing does a great job of tying these two aspects together, especially as it reaches its conclusion. It also features branching mission paths that don't change the overarching story so much as emphasise the 'give and take' aspects of each route. For example, whether you blow up a drugs farm or reclaim it - a choice between morals and money - will have ramifications for the next generation far after your time here is over. Obviously, the game and its world don't continue when you turn off your console, but they almost feel like they do; the choices you make may not have all that much impact - they don't affect the gameplay, for instance - but they still feel important. The game itself consists of clearing out bases, climbing up towers, finding hidden caches, hunting to make equipment, delivering arms to resistance fighters and working your way through the story, ultimately aiming towards a clear goal outlined at the very start of the campaign. It's highly enjoyable and doesn't get dull. The ending is actually satisfying, too. Overall, this is probably the best game in the series. 8/10
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