Review of Party

Party (1984)
Stylistically orchestrated, socially conscious film making of the highest standard
27 March 2020
Gobind Nihalani established himself as a distinguished filmmaker early in his career with films like 'Akrosh' and 'Ardh Satya.' But speaking personally, I find his third film PARTY to be more stylistically orchestrated, brimming with social commentaryand successful in exposing the dubiousness of the rich and the famous from the Cultural fraternity. Under the guise of celebrating a recent honor bestowed on one Dr. Barve (Manohar Singh) a party is thrown by one of the female friends (Vijaya Mehta) of the feted writer. Several people arrive in this party and gradually their personal lives get unfolded before the viewer. Wannabe writers, actors from the theatre, social climbers and social activists & gate crashers mingle freely in the midst of free-flowing snacks and drinks. The discussions ranges from whether Political commitment contribute towards a writer's greatness or the atrocities committed by the State on tribals in the name of development, and the fate that befalls those who speak as voice for the marginalized. In this respect one does find similarity of Gobind Nihalani with filmmakers like Mrinal Sen and Gautam Ghose who seek to address such topical issues in their works. Fine ensemble acting by Amrish Puri, Om Puri, Shafi Inamdar, K. K. Raina, Rohini Hattangady, Deepa Sahi, Pearl Padamsee, Mohan Bhandari, Soni Radzan & Jayant Kripalani add to the strength of the film. Rating: 4.3 out of 5
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