Stargirl (2020)
25 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The main character (Stargirl/Susan Callaway) was great in her role! Her voice is beautiful. But this whole movie seemed like it was written by a 60yr old who enjoys reading, watching, and writing teen "fanfare". It was awkward. Tell me what high school let's a girl who randomly shows up on the football field - sing her heart out, and they all just JOIN IN? OR she just becomes an honorary cheerleader that everyone adores - until they don't?! Or how many school dances has any teen been to where they run out into a nearby field to dance, hop around, and twirl? Nope...I've never seen any of this crap in real life. 😂. And Stargirl came across as just...ok I'll say it...freaking weird. Not cute quirky, not just slightly diff but endearing, just flat out WEIRD. And because of that, all the kids fawning over her and that ukulele - was just fake and corny.
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