Family Matters (1989–1998)
Matters of the Family
25 March 2020
This is another one of my favorite sitcoms of all time, and another childhood gem of mine. I remember seeing this show on the late night comedy block called TGIF, which was really great for kids like myself as it really was something to look forward to after five days of school, watching sitcoms on the first free night as sweet relief. This show on that block was always first and was always the one I was looking forward to seeing.

Despite a show with a simple but uninspired title (should've been called "Urkel and the Winslow's") don't let that fool you, "Family Matters" wasn't just a sitcom it was a phenomenon, and it's not hard to see why as this show wasn't just an ordinary sitcom but actually at time became more than the sum of its parts sometimes, which helped break the mold of your typical sitcom format.

There is just lots to like about the show, I like the theme song which is an honorable mention in favorite theme songs as it's a simple cheerful song, even like a couple of the end theme songs mainly the first one. Which is cheerful though maybe a little sad at the same time as the camera would show the Winslow house but then zoom out showing all of Chicago which just indicated the show was over.

The show has the typical format of any family sitcom, however there were a few things that made it unique and slightly unconventional. For one thing the family consists of an all African American cast which at the time was a bit of a rarity because there really weren't that many shows with that at the time. That I thought was cool showing part of the meaning of what true family is, that it's consists of all kinds of races.

Another thing was how the show wasn't afraid to be slightly non-conventional, where we would see how at times it can be a sci-fi comedy in some episodes, in others there would be a episode with action, another a fantasy/dream, this to me really made the show slightly unique from your standard sitcom. But also showed how the show was one foot in reality but at the same time one foot away, give the show some creative freedom to not be afraid to take an extra step if they want to.

There are just lots of memorable characters, each of them is rounded out well enough and there actually is some development with each of them as well as good memorable dynamics. I'll just pick out three of my favorites who are no surprise.

Waldo Geraldo Faldo played well by Shawn Harrison his character is fun. His character is obviously not the brightest bulb which of course causes some unintentional grief with some people around him. But the guy isn't boring as there are some colorful occurrences that occur with him like in one episode having a sun dial watch where the heck, he got one is anyone's guess. Really like how he has this fast way of talking and how some of what he says rhymes as much as a Dr. Seuss book. But the guy has it where it counts from the fact, he's a culinary artist so he's a person with talent in a field. And his heart is in the right place as he's able to do right with others. It's always fun when he, Eddie and Steve are together their sort of like a modern Three Stooges as there are always colorful episodes of them getting into hijinks.

Carl Winslow played well by Reginald VelJohnson. On a side note I never even seen the movie "Die Hard" at the time wasn't old enough to still a kid, but when I did get old enough and saw him in that film I thought that was really cool Carl in an action film. Anyway, I really love his character how on one hand he is sort of a straightforward guy and loving father you can feel comfortable with.

But he's is just always a powder keg ready to explode at any time, it's just funny how much he exercises aggravation and anger. It's fun whenever Steve and Carl are together as both are one of my favorite comedic duos sort of a modern Laurel and Hardy just like with Laurel Steve unintentionally gives Carl grief which in turn lets to him blowing his stack. Even like how there are moments when Carl pays Steve back for his grief.

Of course, no surprise my favorite character is Steve Urkel played well by underrated comedic actor Jaleel White. Jaleel White is just great in this role, from the walk, talk and mannerism.

Steve is one of my favorite comedic icon characters much along the same lines as Ernest P Worrall, Glasses/Harold Lloyd along with The Nutty Professor/Jerry Lewis (both partial inspirations for Steve), etc. Strangely in turn Steve Urkel may have been a partial inspiration for "The Angry Video Game Nerd"/James Rolfe well sort of but James is a fan of the show.

Steve no doubt the backbone of the show and it's not hard to see why, without him this show would've just passed itself off as another bland passable sitcom.

The thing about oddball characters like that that appeal to us is their underdogs we can easily relate or even emphasize with as these guys never get all the breaks in life or are easy targets for most. Yes, like most oddball characters Steve isn't perfect he's not without his flaws like at times Steve can be too helpful when most of the time it's unnecessary or sometimes tries a little to hard at friendly socialization which at times makes the results come out bad.

However, what makes them endearing is that their always people that are struggling and trying to succeed or get somewhere or something in life, sometimes Steve wins and loses but at least he tried which is what matters. But two things I really like about Steve is that he's a person that beats to a different drummer. This is a guy that has interests most notably science, I really love how inventive he is which is something I emphasize with as I'm also inventive.

My favorite invention from him no surprise is the Transformation Chamber which is awesome. Don't let the outhouse look fool you, I just love that concept on the ability to be able to transform into anyone, it's sort of that wish fulfillment fantasy of being able to be whatever you want to be anytime. One favorite transformation was Bruce Lee, which I thought was awesome because that's probably a dream any martial artist or just anyone that's a fan of Bruce would love.

But the other thing about him is his confidence in himself. I really like that he's a person that is aware of who he is and isn't afraid to put it out there. From his clothes, big glasses, persona he really doesn't care what anyone thinks its sort of his way of saying, this is who I am. This makes him happy, and this is a good message showing the importance of being yourself, if it makes you happy then just be you.

Of course, there is also the Steve and Laura dynamic, I really like how it played out thought the show where throughout the show none of us honestly though it would ever happen, it never seemed likely.

It's true that maybe Steve's attraction and colorful persistence in asking Laura out may seem on the obsessive side which could of came off creepy and badly. However, for Steve is endearing because there is an innocence to it, and you can't help but emphasize a bit with because we've all had that one person we've pined for, despite how unreachable they seem.

What makes both work is that throughout the show they have a friendship that actually does develop which makes Laura actually warm up to the guy more. Watching the show again, in a way Steve really is right for Laura, as he's really has always been there for her sticking up for her, helping her out whenever there was danger, but also did his best in making her happy and actually succeeding. Do both Steve and Laura wind up together in the end, I won't say you'll just have to find out. But as the words from the song from Orleans goes "Love takes time".

Family does matter whenever the right people are around.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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