If not for the animation, could have been better
18 March 2020
The voice acting is pretty good, aside from the bad accents courtesy of the side characters. The premise is interesting enough, however a few of the twists and turns felt hamfisted. Decent potential that was severely underplayed by the animation.

It felt like they were trying to copy the style of animation from Archer, but it doesn't work well at all in a horror setting and it isn't done as well either. The character movements are overly cartoony and robotic, not fluid at all. The characters themselves are cliche with no memorable aspects and no depth whatsoever.

The few attempts at comic relief fall utterly flat. One joke later in the movie made me smirk for a couple seconds, and more so because the characters were laughing together than any genuine humor, like the effects of a TV sitcom laugh track.

All things considered, it had a decent foundation but the unpleasant and unfitting animation style totally pulls you out of any of the redeeming factors of the movie. It felt like it was animated by a couple of high school students with too much free time in their digital art class. With a different style of animation that a team had put real effort into, a little more exposition and lead-up, and a little more character depth this could've been a pretty good movie. Struggled to give it a 3 instead of a 1 or 2 but I could at least see what they were going for in this film.
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