lost 20 bucks
17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had a lot of false expectations watching this movie. Living in the Portland area I had seen this movie being made a few different times. It looked like fun, and goofy horror. Watching the trailers to this movie made me excited cause it was so cool to see people I knew in a movie, see the house shows I'm always going to and from what I could see the whole concept would be something I think many people could relate to and from the small clips I'd seen it also looked like something that'd keep us wanting to watching. Sadly it was not that at all. The first clip of the movie was shot and preformed really well. It was a great introduction. The man slamming himself against the shower was interesting and clipping to a kid getting ready for a party made you think there was so much in store for you. The beginning of the movie is what I enjoyed the most. the scenes were hilarious. I especially loved the snorting of whatever the hell was on the table. The pizza face, the guys face melting and all the madness that happened when the drugs hit. It made everyone laugh because you could tell exactly how that trip was gonna go. some things could have definitely been performed a bit better. The "I'm punk" aspect was funny and forward but at some points very cringe. It felt like the characters were trying to push out the feel of who they're supposed to be at some points me and my friends were like ok dude we get it you're the cool guy, you party. When dood starting talking to the girl he wished to pursue and gave his number and later went on to see his red headed friend again but ended alone at the end of the night with nothing but a ride home from a police officer and an insecurity monster. It was going in the direction of loneliness and insecurity taking over someone and causing them to go crazy. Then it cut to the director and other production members. That's when the movie started going a bit downhill and it only got worse from there. The director started to tell that he was insecure about his movie. I loved how he called himself out for the mess of some of the scenes and how it had gone a bit to fast for anything to make sense. Which it did. I think the best clips in the beginning could've gone on just a little longer and not made my head hurt so much. Even though I enjoyed it I could've REALLY enjoyed it. The movie went in an awful direction though. It was non stop back and fourth and back and fourth of something I couldn't fully understand. The director began being the main character. He became the insecure artist that would eventually come crashing down and find his piece again. The entire movie is the director explaining basically why it's a bad movie. Why everything's a mess. I couldn't tell if this was the direction he was meant to go or if he really just couldn't finish it anymore. I think if he was trying to tell his story more he did it very badly. It wasn't a good flow with the plot. It definitely just left me and others in constant confusion and even when it was over I was like what the hell? What was that even really about because WAY TOO much was going on. Most of the main characters in the beginning left. The back and fourth clips to the actual movie was shot really cool. I enjoyed it and just wish that's the concept they kept. I wish I didn't have to ask but I still want to know the explanation to this movie. What was the main purpose? Why was I watching two different movies that could've each just been good on their own but instead made this? It ended with a clip that seemed to have been the very first considering he mentioned before it wasn't done in chronological order. His girlfriend said she'd help him with movie and he kissed her proceeding to say she made him feel safe and again that alone made no sense. This clip was clearly how it started and if this is how it started why was he a bad guy to the same girl through out everything he put out after. Was this cause the movie was making him crazy? He started being terrible to his closest person? If so why was the writing of it not better? Why did it seem more like they just hooked up a few times and became closer and she took care of him in his lose and that's how that's how they became close? I wasn't getting the feel they were already in love once. And again none of this is what was introduced to us in any preview so I'm greatly disappointed. After seeing it I could honestly say I would show some scenes to people who hadn't seen it in the future and still laugh at them but I would never recommend for anyone to have to go and sit through it in a theater. It was 107 minutes and after the first 10 it felt like forever. Still wish I knew what the hell was going on
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