The Flash: Death of the Speed Force (2020)
Season 6, Episode 14
Wally West returns!
11 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode saw the return of Wally West who has quite a zen attitude towards life. I have missed the character dearly and hope he appears again this season. Wally noticing a difference of behavior in Iris is spot on and further strengthens the brother-sister dynamic between them. Hopefully, there will be some progress made regarding the Mirror Master storyline. When will Team Flash find out about Mirror Iris and the new Mirror Master?

The villain of the week sneakily named The Turtle 2.0 by Cisco served as a great one off villain. I prefer the newer version of the Turtle over the older version that appeared way back in season 2. Her powers were much better and more visually pleasing. That was more of a sub-plot in this episode, as the main arc focused more on the speed force.

After reuniting with everyone, Wally tells Barry the true reason why he returned. He senses that there is something wrong with the speed force. Barry's impression of Master Yoda was great. He really loves Star Wars. Anyway, Barry withholds some information from Wally for a bit, until Wally finds out what happened with Bloodwork which leads him to confront Barry. In true Flash fashion, we as a audience were misled and got a surprising twist to why the speed force is unstable and dying. It turns out that during Crisis when the Spectre unlocked Barry's full potential and thrust him into the speed force, some Spectre energy still stayed in the speed force. This was quite a unpredictable and surprising twist.

The absence of Ralph Dibny aka Elongated Man was quite noticeable in this episode. It is quite disappointing that he only appeared once in season 6B so far. At the same time, it is understandable why he did not appear. Ralph finally found Sue Dearborn in episode 12, but then lost her again. She never wanted to be found by anyone. As a private investigator, Ralph has to accomplish his mission and return Sue to her parents. That's what he has been doing for the past couple of episodes off screen.

The scene where Eobard Thawne confronts Barry in the pipeline was incredibly menacing and terrifying. I was expecting to see Matt Letscher portraying the Reverse Flash, but him being in Nash Wells's body is also great.

To conclude, this episode had multiple characters returning, a new villain of the week, a typical pep talk from Joe West and tackled the death of the speed force. I am quite enthused to find out how Barry will regain his speed, now that the speed force is slowly fading away. There has to be some kind of twist involved. I hope Wally gets his speed back too.
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