Well-conceived Sci-Fiction, between Terminator & Robocop!!
3 March 2020
I had found it accidentally in small store one year before or so, yesterday I've a pleasure to watch this low budge Canadian production, a sort of Terminator alike on the garment as space outfit, a scientist Carl Lehman (MacIlwraith) was criminally framed by his fellows workers after he enter in a sealed chamber where had a gas oven flaming a melting pot fully with a sort of dangerous chemical, suddenly an overheating explode the whole complex, they got Carl's brain and implanted in an Android, he escapes and starts this revenge, sounds silly but wasn't, pretty acceptable bearing in mind the tight budge, they made it pre-Robocop, it might was his forerunner, the casting is almost unknown aside the Blaxploitation's Queen Pam Grier and the fat Maury Chaykin an old acquaintance from American's movies, well-conceived idea, anchored by a clever screenplay that owe nothing to others Sci-Fi movies, a slight underrated by IMDB's users, deserve a look to anyone who likes trash pictures!!


First watch: 2020 / How many: 1 / DVD / Rating: 6.5
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