Electric Dreams (2017–2018)
Well crafted. A good show.
29 February 2020
Electric Dreams is a consistently solid watch, and it is disappointing to me that so many reviewers claim otherwise. The acting and production values are top notch, and the writing is spot on, even when it is not groundbreakingly original. Just because Black Mirror often has episodes that are jaw dropping ten star triumphs does not mean that all else in the SF category is a somehow a failure, and yet there are a fair amount of reviews that take an immature, winner-takes-all approach. Electric Dreams is classic new wave SF. It is thorough in how it presents its narratives, and carries depth in its poignant ideas and dramatic turns, even when these are somewhat predictable, they still carry their weight. Altogether, Electric Dreams has the core of what makes good SF and it follows through with solid productions. Unfortunately it looks like we will only get one season out of it because the fanboys are restless and can't see the forest because of the trees.
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