It's fine I guess.
28 February 2020
I'm not exactly blown away by this, but the writing and pacing certainly do work and Sophie Lillis gives a good performance. I felt as if the show was a bit confused at points with what it's best aspects were until the last few episodes where it begins to pick up a lot. It's very predictable at points too, and it really just felt like they wanted a second season to truly flesh it out. I'd be willing to give a second season a try as, given what's been set up here, it could be very interesting and possibly even great. This first season is giving me a lot of BoJack Horseman vibes, as in it feels like there's a potentially amazing show here that with a second season could truly bloom and become what it was always meant to be, but is held back by just being a set-up for future episodes. Overall it's certainly not terrible and is decent enough, but it takes a while for it to truly realise its strengths.
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