They Aborted His Lovers Foetus And Now He Wants Revenge
28 February 2020
Some marines go to a desert island for some reason all awhile being attacked by a scrawny stupid looking alien that sounds like a jaguar. Xtro 3 is a Predator rip off movie that tries so desperately to be a great film to only be a r·tarded joke. No one in their right mind is going to take this sissy anorexic alien and his pansy ass vengeful anguish seriously. And the acting was just pitiful. And the pacing was s···. I did like some of the action and it does have some neat gore effects but any other effects are caca weiny and the creature effects are just so bad. I am sort of in a quandary with this one. It is stupid enough to be entertaining but not good enough to watch a multitude of times. So there you go. A non-conclusive review.
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