low resolution
27 February 2020
This movie isnt what I was expecting. It is adaptation of Tao Lins book Taipei, yet it is very loose adaptation, and more like some semi-biographical story about Tao Lin and one of his relationships. Because of this,movie doesn't know what it wants to be and doesn't properly capture spirit of the book Taipei. Actors are also somewhat unconvincing in their roles, either from miscasting or from just awkward screenwriting. Directing isn't terrible, yet isn't very impressive either. There been movies showing footage from computer screen doing it successfully like Searching(2018) or documentary Don't F**k With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer(2019) and this movie could have done the same yet missed its chance. Also this movie seems to be low budget. With that said, with weird pacing and style, there is certain charm to it, its original and not so boring.
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