26 February 2020
This is a very difficult show to rate, it's a sort of poor man's X-Files, and when I say poor I mean not a pot to pi$s in. Each episode is a mini story involving The Beast of Boggy Creek,(should be a winning formula), getting into various larks and scrapes in and around the Creek. On his size 30 tracks are the American Yeti Project, a pair of gormless nincompoops who couldn't find sand on a beach, believe everything and question nothing, no matter how ludicrous the situation. Everything about this show seems conflicted, the stories are childlike yet there's a smattering of gore, the acting is class leadingly awful but the sweeping views and cut scenes are incredibly beautiful,,, I can only assume Amazon threw money at the production team and then hired a pineapple to write the script. To sum up I liked it enough to watch the whole series, but I do love a rubbish creature, if you don't expect too much and don't take it seriously it does have it's moments, but you can say that about getting your nose caught in a fan..
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