Review of Day of Death

The Rookie: Day of Death (2020)
Season 2, Episode 11
The season and mid-season finales have ruined so many shows.
25 February 2020
Other reviewers have documented most of the stupidity in this episode (they missed some of it) so I'll just comment on what led to this disaster -- the mid-season finale. This is a recent Hollywood invention that I just don't understand. Were there that many people that wouldn't continue watching a show after Christmas that they had to try and lure them back?

These finales almost always end up ruining 2 shows out of the season, the last show of the fall and the first of the spring. With the typical season running to 13 episodes these days, that means that they've thrown away 15% of their shows on typically implausible scripts in a misguided attempt to keep us coming back.

In my case, I have stopped watching at least 3 series because the mid-season finales absolutely ruined the show. If you share my opinion of these, please rate these finales as 1 so that maybe they'll get the message.
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