My heart runs away
24 February 2020
Have for a long time appreciated screwball comedy, so there is no personal bias against it. Just in case anybody is wondering from my very average rating, where one would probably naturally think that screwball comedy is not my forte (actually when it is done well it is one of my favourite kinds of comedy). The other main attraction is the cast, a highly attractive cast and an intriguing one. Being someone who associates Fredric March with more serious roles.

Am a bit mixed on 'There Goes My Heart'. Will say right now that it does have a good deal that works in its favour and it is very well played, so it is not a terrible film in any shape or form. A large part of me just wanted 'There Goes My Heart' to be so much better than it was, because it was in need of more originality, clarity and energy as an overall whole. So not a particularly great, or good, film either. It is definitely watchable though.

'There Goes My Heart's' best asset is the cast. March is a charmer and has the sharp comic timing and wit needed for screwball while not being too broad, he doesn't play his character too seriously. Virginia Bruce is also winning and again does not overdo it. All the cast are solid, but my pick for best performance is the truly sparkling and quite hilarious Patsy Kelly. There are enough moments of charm and wit.

Production values are attractive and there are some great moments in the film. The ice skating sequence is a lovely scene, am aware it has been criticised for being too long but it was a stand out scene to me. The solution to the power going out is riotous. The music is pleasant enough and doesn't feel too chirpy or too much of a dirge. There are some lovely lines in the script and while the main characters are fairly standard they are easy to like too.

On the other hand, 'There Goes My Heart' suffers from namely being needlessly convoluted at times, from trying to do too much and not focusing enough on just one or two elements, and from being derivative, meaning a lot of non-stop predictability that took away a little from the enjoyment.

It could have done with more consistent energy as there are parts that go on too long and the ending is far too rushed. More consistent wit and subtlety wouldn't have gone amiss and been less broad. Some of the supporting cast are a bit too brash too for my tastes. The direction does everything right but could have done with more spark.

Altogether, watchable, especially for the cast, but could have been a lot better. 5/10
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