Supergirl: It's a Super Life (2020)
Season 5, Episode 13
Supergirl celebrates 100 episodes with one of its best episodes!
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Supergirl has been hit and miss for the past couple of seasons. However, I have to admit that this episode amazed me in so many ways. I have not been this amazed since the season 3 mid season finale titled "Reign." Much like the 100th episodes of Arrow and the Flash, Supergirl's 100th episode served as a tribute episode and a love letter to the fans (wink wink Supercorp fans). The episode dealt with Kara Danvers traveling through time with the help of Mxy and trying to salvage her strained relationship with Lena. I loved that this episode references "It's a Wonderful Life" as it has a similar storyline. The nod to the 90s sitcom "Friends" where we see the VHS tapes all starting with "The one with/where" was quite neat. It was perhaps not intentional, but still a fun reference.

I loved the inclusion of Mon-El, Reign and Ben Lockwood in this episode. Supergirl sharing a poignant scene with Mon-El was truly deserving. They will always be my OTP of the show. Their relationship is one of the reasons why season 2 is my favorite season of Supergirl.

Nia Nal aka Dreamer suiting up was one of my favorite moments of this episode. It is quite disappointing that she was absent for two episodes. Luckily, we got to see one brief Nia Nal and Brainy scene. Granted, it was in a dystopian future, but I still count it.

To conclude, the 100th episode of Supergirl fittingly titled "It's a Super life" is a intriguing and action packed episode that leaves me wanting more. Although, the episode did not resolve Lena's conflict with Kara, it still manages to make Kara realize that Lena has changed and will never forgive her. I am enthused to see what happens next now that Kara officially sees Lena as a villain. This episode makes me more invested in this season than before.
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