High Ground (2020)
Simple story in astonishing sorroundings
23 February 2020
Truly a magnificant modern western Setting in Australia. It is built up as a Revenge Thriller which gives the whole Thing a totally different touch and a nice Twist. The Story is simple but the sorroundings and the history behind it is what makes the film Special and exciting. The acting was very good, too. Simon Baker shined in a totally different Kind of role, far away from the Pretty Boy or Mentalist times. It was a great opportunity to Showcase him as a leading man for Cinema too. Its Always great to see Jack Thompson, especially in Projects all his heart and Soul are involved with as it was in this. The true discovery however is Jacob Junior Nayinggul who was absolutely breathtaking in his first leading role and a true discovery. I hope we get the opportunity to see much more of him in the future. Another fantastic aspect of the film was the fantastic cinematography and capture of pure nature. It actually made it look like nature Played an important supporting role in this and it Kind of did. Really a very good ´film, important to see also for ist cultural aspects.
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