Average film made far worse by one awful character.....
22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So the movie isn't bad, Nic Cage is actually quite toned down and reserved in comparison to what he is known for.

He and Fishburne's characters are pretty good and the whole 'Honor amongst thieves' trope is used.

The film is basically about people getting their comeuppance BUT for some reason there is a female (I think FBI, the movie is vague as it can be on this) 'agent' who is a terribly unlikeable character who just breaks the law however she pleases, tortures people where she sees fit and has no comeback whatsoever due to some garbage vague revenue plot she has.

The movie would be massively better if we saw the repercussions for the agent in the ending credits reminding us that no-one is above morality.

If you have 90 mins to waste then give it a watch but know that the agent you start to hate 45 mins in just becomes more hateable right to the very end.......
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