Detective Anna (2016–2017)
Captivating - Russian Sherlock Holmes with psychic ability
22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched Elementary. I needed a fix a detective fix but one which would captivate me, as I get bored easily.

Suddenly Detective Anna came on my Amazon like it was a sign lol. I had no idea it was RUSSIAN. (It is Russian guys so why watch then give it a bad review)?

Oh no I thought i have never got into subtitles. I kind of nearly dismissed it but with this rotten weather we are having I had to watch something right? So well nothing lost nothing gained.

i went into this series with my eyes totally wide open.

I was HOOKED. Its just amazing, the storylines are all good, i love that Anna deduces the scenes as well like she is the detective, and Stholman a man of mystery works begrudgingly besides her, almost gets irritated with her at times, and well he isnt sure if he believes she has gifts. I just adore the little assistant to Stholman Anton Korobejnikov, who had me in stitches at the beginning as he was so inept at being a detective but slowly over time becomes quite a part of the team and bounces off ideas with Anna and Stholman.

Anna for me is Watson, and Stolhman is holmes (a mysterious moody man).

I can't believe i am half way through already and never notice that I am reading captions some of which are so funny translated with too modern a tone but it adds to the charm.

Each episode is 2 parts. The series also has another mystery entwined within it. Spys abound (as they did in those days), mystery machinery being made pre world war I. Espionage I expect. It's got everything and it's done so that you are kind of sucked into it gently.

I think myself that Stohlman was sent to Zatonsk for a reason all to do with the Prince and the Mysterious french man, and Nina Neginskaya who seems to be Stholmans stalker. I think he is there to break up an episonage gang, and the ending is he finishes his work as an undercover agent and is sent elsewhere to continue his work.

It would all make sense.

56 parts = 28 episodes season 1. I dont think sadly there is a season 2.

Anyway give it a go, i think in retrospect this is one of the best T.V. series I have watched overall for a long time. I am not going to put it down until the end. Even with subtitles no way, and slowly I am learning a few Russian words so it's all good.

Give it a go. But remember it's a RUSSIAN PRODUCTION, so don't start it then give it a silly review 1/10 that just ruins it for real ratings.

P.S. I think the actress Aleksandra Nikiforova who plays Anna is someone to look out for, she is breathtakingly beautiful and very talented. I believe she has already been in two more highly rated Russian series.

IMDB. Please find a better thumbnail photo of her on cast list it does not do her justice.
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