If it hadn't been for that one thing...
21 February 2020
I'd recommend you skip over this review. There's nothing open minded or balanced about it.

See, within the first five minutes of A HAUNTED HOUSE they literally stomp directly on one of my personal hangups. They needlessly kill a dog and then mine it for comedy. After that, the rest of the movie could have been GONE WITH THE WIND and I'd still pan it as hard as possible. Foregone conclusion.

I'm aware that comedy is comedy and it can't be watching every word it says or it won't get much said. I also realize I'm elevating my personal attitudes as some kind of an exception, but there you have it.

I live with dogs all day, every day, and they're a HUGE part of my life. I already think dogs get screwed by us way too much already. Being killed onscreen for comedy value is just something I can't get past.

Carry on.
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