Oh, this was bad...
20 February 2020
Well, given the fact that the first "Xtro" movie wasn't a particular impressive movie, I can't claim to have had much interest in the following movies. I wasn't actually aware that there were additional movies beyond the first, not until I happened to stumble upon "Xtro 3: Watch the Skies" in 2020. And being of the mindset that a movie should be given a fair chance, I sat down and watched it.

Well, at least 1 hour and 5 minutes of it, then I just tossed the towel in the ring and gave up. This movie was boring and uneventful. Nay, it was actually a stupid and pointless movie.

The storyline was stupid and seemed like it had been written by someone in primary school as an English assignment. Then someone had the brilliant idea of translating it into a movie script. Problem is that it just didn't work well.

The effects in the movie were hilariously bad, and seriously outdated even back in 1995. The alien was just such an eyesore that it was dragging down the entire movie. It was so god awful fake to look at, and it couldn't be taken serious in any way.

I had initially expected the movie to be somewhat better, since it had Andrew Divoff on the cast list. But not even he could lift up the train wreck that is "Xtro 3: Watch the Skies". And the movie also had Jim Hanks on the cast list, which I suppose served as somewhat of a lure for the audience as well.

I am sure that there are fans of these movies out there. I just didn't enjoy this third movie in the franchise in any way.
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