Meaghan Rath and Sam Huntington try
20 February 2020
Not great, actually a bit all over the place I watched this because I saw Sam Huntington & Meaghan Rath's names attached and I really liked both of them in the series Being Human. They do a good job here too but other than that its a pretty weak romantic comedy with a flimsy plot and some questionable goings on.

Sam and Meghan play a married couple hoping to kickstart their romance on a weekend getaway. They leave the city (of Montreal) and drive to a ski lodge, having awkward car sex along the way. Once at the lodge things get even more awkward as 'Carl' discovers his sexy ex-girlfriend is now running the place. Because this is a romantic comedy Carl tries to keep his previous relationship a secret from his wife while his ex finds ways to tempt him. Eventually he phones for back up and his best friend from work and her husband turn up to add to the chaos. An unsatisfactory (dark) ending for me here too
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