Captured! (1933)
Captured by love
19 February 2020
While a bit mixed on the premise, which sounded sort of intriguing but familiar ground and could easily be predictable and hokey if not executed well, that didn't stop me from seeing 'Captured' anyway. Namely because Leslie Howard, Douglas Fairbanks Jr and Paul Lukas all gave great performances in other films, Howard having the highest number of them of the three. Am not quite as familiar with Margaret Lindsay.

'Captured' turned out to be in my view an above average if not essential film if not a great one, that does generally deserve to be better known. It can be easily criticised, with there being some drawbacks that bring the film down quite a bit. But if anybody finds entertainment value, or any kind of value, in 'Captured' that is also every bit as understandable, as there are some very good things that just about edge out the drawbacks.

The not so good things will be mentioned first. The story can be pretty far-fetched with a pace that has the odd tendency to creak. The ending is abrupt and wraps things up rather too neatly, despite a quite tense build up.

Some of the dialogue is less than great, at its worst such as in the more romantic parts in the flashbacks it can be laughably bad and unintentionally awkward. Descending too into melodrama that can be overwrought and cliche ridden.

On the other hand, 'Captured' is slickly shot and although one can tell somewhat that the sets are studio backlot ones, they don't look cheap and the moody lighting gives a sinister atmosphere when needed. The music avoids over-scoring and there are moments of competent direction in namely the build up to the end (less so in the more romantic moments).

Although the dialogue is heavily flawed, it becomes more thoughtful and suspenseful in the last act. Which is the portion of the film where the film is at its most involving, the climactic fire squad scene is quite powerful and would have had even more impact if the film was wrapped up more believably.

Performances are very good, especially from a gritty and authoritative Howard as the most well defined character in the film. Fairbanks also fares well and is not lightweight or taxed by one of his more dramatic roles. Lukas brings dignity to his role and Lindsay makes the most of an underwritten plot-device role.

In conclusion, above average if not great. 6/10
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