Amazing work by Morris, yet again
19 February 2020
Gotta state my case, up-front, here: This flick is...

...well, I was about to say *just like*, but... not quite.

It's *much* like "Fog of War", except it's even more tragic because we learn at the film's start that Bannon was a hyper-big fan of "Fog of War".

If that's the case, why did he fall into a trap even more obvious and dunderheaded than the trap into which McNamara fell?

That's really the question that you're left with at the end of "American Dharma".

Yea, verily: It *is* to ponder.

Addendum: 2020/08/21

I've been thinking more about this flick, and it occurs to me to ask...

Maybe... maybe Morris could have done more to extract something of actual polemical value from the tar-baby of Bannon?

Because, come to think of it, this is a place Morris could've tread truly new ground.

And that's odd to think, given the ostensible media-savvy "outreach" exertions of Bannon: One would assume that by now we had a clear vision of his... uh... clear vision.

But it never seems to happen. Time and again, when he sits with an interviewer, we never (ever!) get a direct honest answer to the essential question: So, you think that the way "forward" into your vision of "economic nationalism" is... Trump?(?) And how would *that* be?


That's an important point, and, arguably, key to an observation that a mighty documentarian like Morris may have actually dropped a ball, here.
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