I was expecting a boring movie considering the ridiculous low ratings from some ignorant reviewers.
16 February 2020
Rating this movie with the lowest score possible is just ridiculous. People should think a bit about it before rating movies, as a one star movie is just awful, almost unwatchable, and in this case Daniel Isn't Real is certainly watchable. I get it that not everybody will love it but just rate it honestly. If you like movies like Donnie Darko (2001) or Split (2016) you should enjoy this one as well. The other two mentioned are way better, no doubt about that, but Daniel Isn't Real has some good moments. The acting was good, really can't say anything bad about that even if I tried my best, the story is certainly entertaining to follow, the cinematography was way better than I expected it to be. Just do me a favor and rate your movies correctly, stop with those perfect tens for average movies, and certainly stop with insulting one star ratings for movies like this one.
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