Traded (2016)
Neo western touching in a neuralgic point!!
13 February 2020
I'd heard somewhere about the prostitution in old west, this timeless matter always was concerned as taboo subject, nobody talks about, even displaying those Saloon's girls on movies, we know where they coming from, on Traded this matter has a deeply treatment exposing how it was happened, the picture is brutal and violent offers, showing the dirtiest side of the west, bringing veteran actors as Michael Parré, Kris Kristofferson, Tom Sizemore and Tracy Adkins, the plot is about a girl who left her parent's house to find a job as waitress at Wichita, on travel she is kidnapped for a prostitution purpose, there she was traded by brass bell, his father (Michael Parré) pursues her until Wichita, he find out his real whereabout, however someone already took the train toward her final destination, Dodge City, above average production that pleased me entirely!!


First watch: 2020 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7
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