Beautifuly shot yet flawed
10 February 2020
First and formost, this movie looks great! There are many drone shot scenes, well set-up interview environments, great shots and clips from the ground and fantastic computer generated simulations. It does add upp to a nice to see documentary. Add an important topic to it such as climate change and its impact on geopolitics, while also pointing out the important fact that climate change is only part of chaos at hand. and it seems difficult to fail, right? Yet it does feel lackluckster. While pointing out the threat of chinese global expansion along with a view other countries it never dares to talk critically about its own, the USA. This slowly meanders into the movie feeling oddly xenophobic, and sadly so. I really liked many parts of this documentary, but i cant let myself fully enjoy what i was seeing as i had this nagging feeling that it also wanted me to feel better about all the US, despite all shortcomings it has on its own.
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