Review of Marathon

The Flash: Marathon (2020)
Season 6, Episode 10
The Iris
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash is back after Crisis! Back to a world where aliens coexist with metahumans. Barry is back to being his adorable hero self, Cisco is struggling to accept Earth Prime, Frost is still boring, and Iris is still annoying. CC Jitters has reopened and is immediately robbed by the bumbling idiot that had appeared a couple times previously. As usual, I'm confused about everything since right before Crisis happened. My random thoughts throughout the episode that again have nothing to do with an actual review.

  • It's nice to see signs that they survived Crisis, but can someone tell me how everyone knows Crisis occurred and that Oliver Queen sacrificed himself if Crisis never actually happened because Oliver Queen sacrificed himself to stop Crisis?
  • Barry looks more like Barry as The Flash in that photo Iris posted than he probably does in his own driver's license picture. Why bother with the mask?
  • Yay for Iris, still bullying everyone into doing what she wants. Thanks for the sacrifice, Oliver.
  • I realize it has literally been ten minutes since I've seen Diggle (I just watched the series finale of Arrow), but I clapped my hands in glee when I saw him walk in. Maybe make him a series regular? They should have moved to Central City, not Metropolis.
  • Aww, Lian Yu! I will miss that place. I'm also still bitter Slade Wilson wasn't at Oliver's funeral.
  • That's some heavy-duty artillery. Let's hope the assassin doesn't miss.
  • "I don't miss twice." You're right. You missed like five times, lady. If this doesn't work out, maybe you can look into becoming a Stormtrooper.
  • Again. I love Joe, but can someone tell me if he knows how to actually use his gun?
  • FINALLY! Someone has done something smart! Dead man's switch! Way to go, Iris! That hurt me to type that, by the way.
  • I'm glad the assassin decided not to shoot in the five minutes she had from the time she said she was going to aim for the head and when she got the phone call cancelling the hit.
  • So Cisco no longer has his powers. Boo. Uh...what? He better not be going away going away. He's my favorite character on this show. He and Barry are the reasons I still watch this show. Well, and the Wellses. They're not going to get rid of one of my favorites. Not when they keep Iris around. They're not stupid...right? Right?
  • Nah, Cisco can't be leaving. He hasn't said goodbye to a single person other than Nash. So I'm good. He will obviously just have his own story arc that and we will still see him.
  • Okay. Did you REALLY need a mirror and pen and paper to see that AV3 would say Eva?
  • For a enormous tech conglomerate, it seems disturbingly easy to get into McCulloch after hours.
  • Ooh. A mirror that's alive. Maybe she will come out her opposite? Fingers crossed! As long as Mirror Master stays dead. I hated him the first time and didn't want to see him and The Top for that second time. Keep him dead, he's had his run. Oh, frak. That was the Mirror Master who grabbed her, maybe.

After Crisis, this episode was a complete letdown. Barry hardly appears at all and the entire show focuses too much on Iris, and it doesn't look like that is about to change. Cisco is too likable a character to sideline and Caitlin needs to appear more than she is, because Frost really doesn't seem to have an identity when she isn't in action. I hope Harry and Jesse aren't truly dead and will show up again, especially since we know Earth-2 actually does exist. I'm glad he has the cube to remember Harry, but how did he get the cube to begin with? As far as the new timeline goes, only Earth Prime exists (as far as he knows), and breaching never happened, so how did he get the cube? And in this new timeline, was there ever really a multiverse? Forget it, I don't know why I'm asking questions like someone can answer them for me. Long story short, not my favorite episode but it did have some nice emotional moments with Barry trying to cope with losing Oliver. Two minutes of Barry, and forty minutes of Iris is what this episode amounted to. I get that Grant was probably filming Crisis when this episode was being made, but I am resentful that they decided to make it all about Iris yet again.
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