Who Killed Malcolm X? (2019–2020)
Interesting Footage
9 February 2020
I found a lot of the historical footage really interesting, but I don't think there was enough substance in this series to fill 6 episodes. This show is basically a tour bus driver's hobby of "researching" the death of Malcolm X put to 6 hours of film. Much of the analysis is conjecture, in spite of how many people are presented as authorities on the subject -- they rarely offer supporting evidence to bolster the narrative.

In spite of itself, the documentary ultimately makes a compelling case that Malcolm X was killed in a gang war masquerading as a religious dispute. Many of the key players in the Nation of Islam were felons converted and reformed in jail, so it's not surprising Malcolm's highly inflammatory rhetoric towards his former mentor had severe consequences -- even he knew it. But in spite of all this, the narrator is determined to lay blame at the steps of the NYC Police Department and the FBI.

The final episode is where the show really lurches radical and we are treated to truly offensive teachings at the high school named after Malcolm X. The show had hinted that nothing in America had changed since the early 60's, but here it's stated as fact. And in case you were left with any doubt, an infamous former NFL player is featured kneeling on the field in the closing credits as part of the historical civil rights photo montage..
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