John Derek is a pimp?!
9 February 2020
It's interesting that the British film "The Flesh is Weak" never uses the word prostitute...or any other euphemism for that line of work. It reminds me of a lot of Pre-Code films in Hollywood that dealt with abortion, prostitution, adultery and the like. The adult audience members knew what was going on...but the film never directly used these terms...perhaps so if there were kids in the audience they'd be oblivious to the subtext.

When the story begins, Marissa is new to London and is in need of work. Considering she's from Italy, has no family in the UK and is a bit dim, she's a perfect recruit for Toni Giani (John Derek). But he's clever and subtle. He doesn't approach her and say "how about becoming a ho?" but instead befriends her and she falls in love with him. Only then does he trap her into turning her first trick for him, as he tells her he's in financial trouble and will go to jail unless he can quickly raise some money! The rest of the film is about Marissa's time working for Tony as well as after she leaves him, as Tony's not about to allow any of his 'property' to get away scot free!

This is a very good film though I really wish Marissa had been a smarter and more likable character. As it is, you may find yourself annoyed with her, as I did. Still, it's a good film about a man who would do anything...even ask his beloved to morally debase herself for him.
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