This Crisis Has Failed This Viewer
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rating this crossover as a whole, not this particular episode. I am less than impressed and left with more questions than I ever started with. I assume all shows will now progress with this whole new existence? Anyway, here are some random thoughts I had while watching this episode.

  • Oh, yay. Giant Beebo has made a reappearance.
  • Hey, Sara. You know who probably remembers what you were like before the Gambit went down? Your mother. You should call her. I hate to break it to you, but your mother isn't dead.
  • So...the Anti-Monitor isn't dead so Oliver died to do what now? Create a new universe? Who created the universe to begin with? Oliver died so that they could start all over again, but now they still have to defeat the Anti-Monitor, who apparently wasn't defeated by Oliver and his death or the catalyst to creating a whole new universe. Not gonna lie, still don't see the meaning behind Oliver's death. Or Eddie Thawne, while we are on that note. Oh! Maybe he died so they could have a do-over. Great, the world started over so does that mean he never existed? That can't be it because Felicity looked for him. Forget it. I'm lost.
  • "For Oliver." This would have a lot more meaning if I knew why the hell he died in the first place and what he was doing other than being a green guru guy with a distorted voice.
  • Flash disappeared in Crisis, we have seen the newspapers for years now. How was the newspaper around if everything was destroyed in anti-matter the first go-round? Are we in a different Crisis now because of Nora? I give up. I don't care anymore.
  • Aww, baby Sara is alive! So Lyla was never Harbinger in this new timeline?
  • Well. The POTUS declared Oliver dead, so he must be. Can she do the same for Sara's mother so that there is a valid reason Sara forgot she still existed?
  • I would have thought Felicity would have made an appearance following Oliver's apparent death but maybe she's just as confused as I am as to what is actually going on right now.
  • That table is really cool and all, but how many times in the last 8 years have we seen a team sit at one?
  • Leather car seats aren't necessarily comfortable.

This crossover has been hyped and has been in the works since at least season one of The Flash. It started out promising but somehow lost their mojo halfway through, leaving behind a jumbled confusing mess. Lex Luthor is now God, Diggle and Superman have multiple children, and the Anti-Monitor still was around. Overall this has been a disappointment, other than really cool cameos. Thanks for 8 fantastic seasons, Oliver. You will definitely be missed and you deserved a better ending.
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