Arrow: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four (2020)
Season 8, Episode 8
Crossover Fail?
8 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The question mark is because I'm still confused as to what I just watched. This has been the worst episode I've seen this season and it was the crossover. After so much hype about the upcoming Crisis, it ends like this? They stood stoically and stared at the battle happening between the Anti-Monitor and Guru Oliver? Barry went zooming around the Speed Force to find parts of Oliver and the rest of the gang and ran into some random Flash guy at STAR labs. I'm assuming I'm supposed to know who he was, but I don't.

  • Lex Luthor had what purpose, other than to show off his piece of paper and his upgraded light beam hands? He did fight some shadow demons, so that's cool.

  • It was very nice of the shadow demons and Anti-Monitor to wait until the Paragons had their little team meeting before attacking. That was appreciated.

  • I did really like the whole movie quality of part of the episode. That was actually pretty cool.

  • It all ended by Oliver finding his inner Supergirl and somehow defeating the Anti-Monitor with the laser beams he shot out of his eyeholes? I must have missed something. At least his last line uttered was pure Oliver Queen: "You have failed this universe."

  • I realize the ending scene where Oliver was giving his death speech was supposed to have emotional impact, but this was the second one this crossover. Dead Oliver being deader didn't have the effect on me that perhaps it should have.

I understand that I have another crossover to watch, but I honestly think Oliver deserves a better ending to his story than this one. I'm hoping that I will get to see it. Thanks for bringing about this new timeline, Nora West-Allen. Like your mother, you suck up any joy and life around you. This episode was just meh. I'm sure I'm in the minority.
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