Downton Abbey: Episode #2.8 (2011)
Season 2, Episode 8
It's finally the young lovers turn to shine.
7 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The family is gathered together for an announcement by Sybil and Tom, bluntly breaking the news of their love and intentions to move to Dublin and get married. The older members are of course shocked although granny isn't as horrified as predicted by Edith and Mary. In fact, the usually down to earth Robert is the most angered, threatening to cut Sybil off, and obviously she doesn't care, intending to stay around long enough for Matthew and Livinia's wedding. But the Spanish flu epidemic breaks out, and there will be a ton of heartbreak.

"If you're trying to go American on me, I'll go downstairs", Robert tells Cora who has reminded him of their own differences. I guess it's ok for the papa but not for his sweetheart of a daughter, perhaps a nod to Tevye and Chava from "Fiddler on the Roof". He doesn't have long to be mad at Cora, as along with Livinia, Carson and supposedly Mosely, she becomes bedridden because of the Spanish flu.

Other situations includes Thomas's manipulation to get his job at Downton back, something that Carson is determined to prevent. The presence of a phonograph introduces the hit new showtune "Look For the Silver Lining", but it's another contraption that scares Lady Violet. For Robert and Jane, the maid, their attraction is torture, and as Cora becomes sicker, the loyalty of the prickly O'Brien shows another side to her, showing a big heart hidden underneath her icy torture, mainly due to her guilt which is one of O'Brien's finest moments onscreen. Thomas uses the situation to pitch in to change Carson and Mrs. Hughes' mind, and with her mother ill, Sybil puts off leaving. Livinia, who seems to be getting better, takes a turn, and her final scenes in this arch are very sad.

Then there's Ethel meeting with her baby's paternal grandparents with the grandfather still cold and authoritive and the grandmother dominated and desperate to love her in spite of her husband's cruelty. It's obvious that this couple see the situation completely. There's little going on in the way of the Anna/Bates story, but that's about to take a turn which will dominate a good majority of season three.
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