6 February 2020
Coming from a military family with a long history, I was taught to respect authority at a young age, however..... after decades of watching THE CAINE MUTINY I have marveled at the idea of wiping the floor with Captain Queeg, no matter what the penalty! I kid YOU not.

This extraordinary movie is one that we all can relate to as, whether you served in the military or are a civilian, we all at one time or another have had a superior who simply did not belong in that position. The genius of THE CAINE MUTINY is that it's high adventure, offering one classic scene after another, powered by an outstanding cast that gets the most out of their characters.

Fred MacMurray is interestingly cast, against type, as a first class heel who actually is the one who started the mutiny in the first place. Van Johnson is equally engrossing as the epitome of a fall guy, not to be outdone by Jose Ferrar as a Joe Friday/Jack Webb-type attorney who brings out the real Captain Queeg. Fantastic stuff that offers up a now classic courtroom sequence that may very well have in spired A FEW GOOD MEN, decades later.

One of Bogey's BEST later roles. Hands down. Bogart's next film was SABRINA. Recommended. Always on dvd and remastered blu ray.
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