Any1 else sick of 1/10's being handed out like
5 February 2020
Penny Candy at Halloween. I thought it was ok movie, nothing great or special but not terrible either. Def not deserving of a 1. I mean the Horror genre & it's cousins have put out some of the best but also the some of the worst movies ever. No way should this be given a 1 unless the rater has only seen 10 movies in lifetime & this was the worst. Otherwise any1 gonna giving out 1/10's is lazy & shouldn't be trusted. I don't care how much BS analysis they spit out bout plot holes, bad acting, or the "it's already been done". No bleep Sherlock, there are thousands of movies out every yr for the last century. U go ahead & write ova a million novels & I promise you that your not gonna be a genius who finds a way to avoid an overlapping subplot eventually let alone main plot. It's all been done by now. It's just how the screen writers, directors & actors package their story that makes it unique. But I'm tired of 1's in rating, especially in movies that are clearly average. Not like a 2-4 is a good rating but certainly isn't a 1 which should be reserved for movies u basically turn-off They so bad. Yeah we all have rights & rights to opinions, but if u give 1's out your rating privelage is provoked. U can still rate but no1 is gonna give your analysis a lick of consideration cuz it's a joke. This movie wasn't bad, it was average for production time & genre. British girls are cute & acting wasn't bad at all. People who give this a 1 prob give the movie "stitches" a 1 & that's when u know they can't be trusted. Cuz stitches is 1 badass movie & prob a 7 & so this falls about 3 pegs down
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