Well done Smosh!
3 February 2020
Alright so I gotta start this off by saying well done to smosh for making a pretty great action comedy, and I do understand the majority of reviews for this movie are actually bad but let me explain why a smosh fan should watch this P.S I wouldn't recommend someone who isn't a fan of Smosh to watch this movie as I don't see you getting much enjoyment out of it's 80 minute run time. Smosh The Movie is a simple story of 2 best friend trying to get an extremely embarrassing video off of the Internet or more specifically YouTube by going into the website itself. Sound pretty cool to you, well obviously it does because it sounds like one of Ian and Anthony's idiotic skits where laughter is always a guarantee! I think there humour (Especially Ian's) Is pushed to the max for this film because I found myself in tears while watching this. It may be offensive and completely stupid humour but I can assure any fan of smosh at least a good time!
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