Chilly Dogs (2001)
Simple, Goofy and really funny
2 February 2020
I like this movie precisely because it is full of cliches, worn out gags, goofy facial expressions and un-complicated slapstick comedy. Sometimes we need to stop looking for clever, sophisticated, arty, piquant or tragic films and just relax in front of the screen watching people make the same mistakes and do the same stupid or ridiculous things that we sometimes do ourselves. (I have actually fallen into a sewer so I know what it's like!) The sheer simplicity of the plot and the fact that it is like a dumb cartoon re-created by real actors, along with the time honored bond between human and dog is actually delightful to behold. The characters and situations are actually very real so for those of us that are able to laugh at ourselves we can see a piece of ourselves in every character. Skeet looks his absolute best in this film and Lesley plays the comically sinister old man role very well. It's really a combination of old 60's cartoons brought to life again so we shouldn't try to find anything deeper in this film. Just let yourself go and have a good old laugh at the (mainly) innocent antics. The character of Kevin really holds the plot together because (apart from those amongst us who are hard as nails psychopaths) there is a little bit of Kevin in us all. The critics have their criteria to follow and many people have been wired to expect sophistication in a film but if you like to laugh but you are embarrassed by what your friends might say, watch it in the privacy of your home!
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