Airplane Mode (2020)
Airplane Mode - a waste of 96 minutes
2 February 2020
I'm fairly new to Netflix and have been reasonably pleased with it until now. Airplane Mode (the title has nothing to do with the content) is a foreign language movie really badly dubbed into English. Its only redeeming feature is a pretty leading lady. The plot is ludicrous, it's full of more unpleasant stereotypes than the average pantomime (even the leading character fits that bill for much of the time) the acting is wooden and the script and dubbing dreadful.I found myself distracted , watching the mouth movements that weren't remotely synced to the sound track. Apparently it's a Brazilian movie but supposedly set in the USA. I think Netflix should be honest and post a notice at the beginning of any such movie to the effect that it is a foreign language film dubbed into English.
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