Terrible, anachronistic writing
2 February 2020
This may not bother other viewers as much as it bothers me however, I absolutely hate anachronistic dialog. All the characters sound modern and use inappropriate phrases and idioms which completely ruins the atmosphere of the film. It doesn't matter if the characters are well-dressed and the setting is perfect because hearing Charlotte Brontë repeat "What's the point?", a phrase which has zero usage before 1887, throws the whole thing off kilter. The dialog kills the whole film even before the unbalanced focus on Branwell makes the viewer wonder why they even bothered putting "Sisters" in the title. This trend for period dramas to have shoddy writing yet exquisite set and costume design is really unfortunate and is ruining the whole genre. Better stick to adaptations of novels where at least the spirit of the age is well-preserved in the language.
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