The Chosen (2017– )
Christian Filmmakers Take Notice: THIS Is How You Do It
30 January 2020
I'm honestly really impressed by what the makers of this show have accomplished. It's such a unique take that they've given to the story, this sort of "street-level view" of those people that encountered Jesus. Reading these stories in the Bible again and again makes it easy to become detached from the fact that these were real people living real lives dealing with real struggles, going to work, hanging with friends, making jokes, eating lunch, and stepping in animal poop 😂 but they've brought it all to life in an engaging and relatable way where the tight budget seldom shows.

I love that this show doesn't feel preachy, like most Christian media. The way the camera kind of bobs and sways as it follows the action lends an almost documentarian vibe that makes me feel like I'm simply witnessing a story unfold. No agenda. No sermon. Just good old fashioned storytelling. Of course, we know that there is a very profound message to it all, but the filmmakers are smart enough to let the audience figure it out for themselves without thumping them over the head with "Christian talk."

The actor portraying Jesus does so with an unflinching kindness and empathy that makes him instantly trustworthy and lovable in every. single. scene. So props to him for his amazing work and props to the casting team for finding him!

This is a great show that, even if not suited to everyone's tastes, is bound to challenge our mental perception of these people and their stories. It makes these characters feel real, brings Jesus to life in a new way, and has some fun with artistic license while still honoring God's Word.

Christian filmmakers take note: THIS is how you do it!
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