Letters of a Journey
30 January 2020
Ernesto Guevara wrote a series of letters to his mother about his travels in South America, these and the biography written by Alberto Granado, entitled "Traveling through Latin America with Che" are the basis of the magnificent film that the Brazilian director Walter Salles makes known to us. Of course, if great feats are not narrated, we cannot expect the spectacularity of the film, nor the emptiness that usually characterizes Hollywood; neither should the revolutionaries fool themselves, because at this stage Che is decidedly far from being the idyllic and recognized guerrilla who on the other hand perhaps never was. That is, Che Guevara had the advantage of reading social conditions in his time and deciding on the revolutionary struggle as a solution, through the vanguard of the people, which, as he considered it, were the guerrillas. But while this is true and he had a capacity for command and decision perhaps without peer, he did not stop being human. This is precisely what the tape does not show: a boy who dreams and lives, who rushes, perhaps, to judge, but who has the great historical merit of doing what he believes, of doing well and of being on the side of the town.

Regarding the trip: the greatness of the Latin American continent is such that many of its countries are about twice as large as France, transport and communications are still very poor today, the film is a good test, it is not difficult to travel more of a thousand kilometers in a straight line in most of the South American countries and there are no rail services between them like those in Europe. On the other hand, in spite of being evident that from the sociological point of view the Latin Americans have a unique national identity, the difficulties to move from one country to another are the general rule and it is sometimes easier and cheaper to travel to Europe or United States that among the countries of our region.
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