Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Filmed beautifully, but it doesn't make sense in the Star Trek universe.
29 January 2020
Decent acting and good cinematography aside, good lord this blows. Numerous continuity errors and a story that doesn't make any sense, in a "This doesn't make any sense in terms of logic and reason" way. There are multiple elements that are just plain dumb (Our Sun cannot factually go supernova, and in Star Trek, TV hasn't been used for centuries, just to name two without spoiling) and there are so many annoying inconsistencies. Just like the recent Star Trek movies and shows, it honestly feels like the writers never actually watched Star Trek. Also, there are FIVE writers just for the first episode, so that probably explains why everything is so mind numbingly inconsistent and incoherent. There are too many ideas placed into one episode and the result is a poorly written mess that is only saved by Patrick Stewart's performance. (Also, without spoiling anything, what they did with the Federation is truly terrible and might be the worst part about this show.)
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